Dr. Saskia Schäfer

principal investigator

Saskia Schäfer’s research focuses on politics and religion. She has held post-doctoral positions at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute and the Institute for Religion, Culture, and Public Life, both at Columbia University, and at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She received her Dr. phil. in political science from the Otto-Suhr-Institute of Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin in collaboration with the multidisciplinary Graduate School “Muslim Cultures and Societies.” She is currently preparing a manuscript on religious freedom and orthodoxy in Indonesia.

Selected Publications

  • Schäfer, Saskia. 2019. Democratic Decline in Indonesia: The Role of Religious Authorities. Pacific Affairs 92(2).
  • Schäfer, Saskia. 2018. Ahmadis or Indonesians? The Polarization of Post-Reform Public Debates on Islam and Orthodoxy. Critical Asian Studies 50(1).
  • Schäfer, Saskia. 2015. Renegotiating Indonesian Secularism through Debates on Ahmadiyya and Shia, Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (4-5): 497-508.