Dr. Juliana M. Streva
postdoctoral researcher
Juliana is a transdisciplinary researcher and experimental artist from Brazil, engaged with anticolonial, critical race and feminist epistemologies and praxis. Her work is especially concerned with questions of knowledge production; corporality and orality; structural violence and regimes of dis-possession; constitutional representative democracy; and on-the-ground strategies of re-existence and co-existence. Streva holds a PhD in Human Rights' Law from Freie Universität Berlin, a Masters in Theory of State and Constitutional Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. She has been a visiting fellow at the Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Brown University.
Research Interests
Anticolonial/Decolonial Praxis; Critical Race and Anti-Racist Epistemologies; Feminist Theories and Gender Studies; Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy; Structural Violence; Aquilombar Politics/Marooning Politics; Grassroots Movements/Social Movements; Orality, Storytelling, Embodied Knowledge
More About Their Research
Selected Publications
Streva, Juliana M. 2018. Corpo, Raça, Poder. Extermínio Negro no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Multifoco. Streva, Juliana M. 2020.
“Corp(o)ralidade Fanoniana: Legado Colonial Insurgências
Anti-Racistas.” In Gramática das Corporeidades Afrodiaspóricas, edited
by Julio Tavares. Rio de Janeiro: Appris.Streva, Juliana M. 2019.
“Identitätspolitik postkolonial: Zur Debatte um Identitätspolitik in
Lateinamerik.” In Materializing Feminism: Positionierungen zu Ökonomie, Staat und Identität, edited by Friederike Beier et al. Münster: Unrast.Streva, Juliana M. 2021. "Decolonial Coalitions: Afro-Brazilian Feminisms and
the Poetic-Politics of Quilombo", Femina Politica – Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft, pp. 93-105.
Streva, Juliana M. 2022. “Notes on Femicide/Feminicídio and the Limits of Justice”, in Sortuz. Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-legal Studies, Vol. 12, Issue 1. 103-128.Streva, Juliana M., Zalis, Lior Zisman, and Braga, Ana Luiza. 2022. “Speculating Pacts on the Common”, in LA ESCUELA___ (Platform for Radical Learning). [Available in Portuguese, English, and Spanish]. https://laescuela.art/en/campus/library/mappings/speculating-pacts-on-the-common-ana-luiza-braga-juliana-streva-and-lior-zisman-zalisStreva, Juliana M. and Nafafé, José, in conversation with Cosima Costinas and Eric Sumba. 2023. “Transcending Lusotropicalism: From Macamba to Quilombo”, in O Quilombismo. Reader. Berlin: HKW Press. https://www.hkw.de/programme/publications/o-quilombismo-reader-en
- Streva, Juliana M. Anticolonial Cartographies of Femicide: Contesting the Law, Seeding the (Im)possible (provisory title). London: Routledge [forthcoming 2025]
- Streva, Juliana M. and Dulley, Iracema. “Invitation, To Exi(s)t”, in Displacing Theory from the Global South. Berlin: ICI Press. [forthcoming 2024]
- Streva, Juliana M. “Quilombo Tactics: Afro-Diasporic Epistemologies of Vitality”, in Apocalyptica Journal. Käte Hamburger Centre. Special Issue on Vitalidad/Axé Radical, in collaboration with the Caribbean Institute for Decolonial Thought and Research. [forthcoming 2024]
- Streva, Juliana M. “Fugitive Dialogues: Speculating on Anticolonial Psychoanalysis with Lé lia Gonzalez & Frantz Fanon”, in Philosophy and Global Affairs, Volume 4 Issue 1. [forthcoming 2024]
Streva, Juliana M. 2021. Documentary Film: Mulheres em moviemento (Women in Movement), https://mulheresemovimento.wixsite.com/themovieStreva, Juliana M. 2023. Long-Short Film: Quilombo, Continuum, 22’49. https://juliana-streva.pubpub.org/
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